Google: “The Page Experience Rollout is Complete Now.”

Now that the Page Experience update is complete, what does it mean for users, webmasters, and SEOs?
SIA Team
September 6, 2021

On September 2nd, 2021, Google updated one of its tweets:

As you can see, it stated the completion of the Page Experience update.  

By the way, the Page Experience update is not to be confused with the Core Web Vitals update, which, in turn, is not to be confused with general core (capital C vs lower-case C) updates that Google may announce from time to time. Yes, there is some overlap among the Page Experience and Core Web Vitals updates, but they’re sometimes seen as separate updates.

Yes, I know that may seem confusing, but it’s good that I point them out now, so that if you decide to look further into things, you know what to look for.

A Refresher on The Page Experience Update

So, now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’d just like to give you a good definition of the Page Experience. Although I think I did a good job explaining it here, I’ll try to summarize it: it’s basically just making sure that your visitor has a good experience of your web page.

Security (HTTPS), mobile-friendliness, and lack of intrusive interstitials are all factors that, at least from a technical perspective, determine how Google may measure the Page Experience of a web page, which may have an effect on ranking.

What Does This Mean for Users?

Users who understand the Page Experience update can look forward to mobile-friendly pages that are secure and without those annoying intrusive interstitials that cause some people to click on the wrong links. 

Of course, Google has been moving in this direction for a while, but now that it’s official and Google has asked webmasters to try to aspire to these standards, the Web is now, hopefully, at least a little bit more user-friendly.

What Does This Mean for Webmasters?

Webmasters (and owners of websites) have new technical standards to reach for. There are many, many sites that can improve in one of the major aspects of the Page Experience, so now is the time for those webmasters to become aware of these aspects and start taking corrective action. 

What Does This Mean for SEOs?

I think that SEO experts who take the time to implement as many improvements as they need (for example, improving Page Speed Insights of a web page, moving it from red, to yellow, to green), stand to see rankings improvements. 

This can also be a good opportunity for SEOs, as there are many, many business owners who can use some help in this area. 

So, whether you’re a user, webmaster, or SEO, this completion (of which there will certainly be minor updates) implies that we have a lot to look forward to and a lot to do.

Source: Google Search Central Twitter channel