Google Search Console Update: GSC Has a New Look!

While this Google Search Console update is more of a cosmetic one, it sure looks nice.
SIA Team
November 22, 2021

As you may know, many, many webmasters, business owners, and SEO specialists use Google Search Console (GSC). 

It’s one of a number of Google products that digital marketers rely on to give them data pertaining to how various aspects of their business is doing. 

A Cosmetic Google Search Console Update 

When I saw that tweet, I went to GSC and saw a newer user interface. 

Now, I don’t use GSC that much, so I don’t recognize if there are any significant navigational differences. 

That said, the tweet above does say ‘look and feel,’ so I imagine that something navigational either has changed, or will. 

If you’d like to keep track of all the Google Search Console updates, you may wish to routinely check this document, which is kept up-to-date on the latest changes to Search Console.  

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with trying to learn about GSC, I agree with you: it has quite a learning curve. 

That said, this site is a growing treasure trove of content that can help you learn GSC. From free spreadsheets to blended data (where you use multiple data sources), we’ve got a lot for you. 

Hopefully, this Google Search Console update will make GSC much easier to use. 
Source: Google Search Central Twitter page