Google Ordered to Improve Hotel and Flight Search Results

If you live in the EU, in 2 month's time, you should see better hotel and flight search results.
SIA Team
July 26, 2021

Google, as powerful as it may seemingly be, it hasn’t always been in the best graces of antitrust enforcers and consumer groups. Indeed, it has been met with hefty fines, and if Google doesn’t comply with some of the EU’s latested demands, there could be consequences.

The latest demands have to do with search results for Google Flights and Google Hotels (and apparently, for European searchers).

Apparently, there are complaints that the prices displayed for flights and hotels are not reflective of the final retail price that someone may pay. That would assert that there are hidden or unseen fees and taxes that come as a surpise to some users.

According to an EU executive, final prices should, in advance, include fees or taxes.

Another issue had to do with Google Store: apparently, in some cases, traders had more rights than consumers.

Google’s demeanor (from reading their response) is basically one of willingness to comply.

Hopefully, within 2 month’s time, EU residents will see hotel and flight prices that are closer to the final price they may expect to pay.

Source: Reuters.