Ads In Search Results, Now More Distinguishable From Organic Results

We’ve previously discussed how Google Ads and other properties such as Google Shopping, Featured Snippets, etc. are gaining more visibility in the SERPs and how organic results are getting lower and lower on the page. Another major concern is how the ads can be difficult to distinguish from the organic search results, with people clicking […]
Marie Aquino
October 18, 2022

We’ve previously discussed how Google Ads and other properties such as Google Shopping, Featured Snippets, etc. are gaining more visibility in the SERPs and how organic results are getting lower and lower on the page. Another major concern is how the ads can be difficult to distinguish from the organic search results, with people clicking more on the ads than the organic listings.

Google is making some changes with how they deliver search results and make businesses and websites more distinguishable from each other. One particular change is the labelling of ads. Google is doing away with the label “Ads” and replacing it with the word “Sponsored” instead, which is positioned prominently in the top-left corner of the ad.

Aside from this change, business names and logos will now be automatically added and shown in the ads. Google Ads will be able to find the business name and logo on the landing page and add them in the search ad listing. However, advertisers still have control and can review and remove any information that they would not want to be included. Adding a business name and logo to each campaign can also be set manually. This does have its advantage for advertisers when it comes to branding.

These Google Ads changes will start rolling out to mobile search ads and will eventually roll out to desktop next year.

For more details on the changes, check out the Google Ads announcement here.