Google Introduces A Tool For Practicing Job Interviews

Google's new Interview Warmup tool employs artificial intelligence to assist users in practicing answering job interview questions from a variety of industries.
SIA Team
May 22, 2022

Interview Warmup is a new tool from Google that uses artificial intelligence to help people prepare for job interviews.

It asks common interview questions and transcribes answers in real-time as part of the Grow with Google and Career Certification initiatives.

In Interview Warmup, there are three types of questions: background questions about previous education and experience, situational questions about how specific situations were handled in the past or might be handled in the future, and technical questions about knowledge and skills, frequently testing how hypothetical problems would have been handled.

Users can practice answering common interview questions as well as job-specific ones chosen by an expert in that field by using voice-to-text or the keyboard. The tool then analyzes the responses and suggests ways to improve them.

Interview Warmup currently has field-specific questions for Information Analytics, E-Commerce, IT Help, Project Administration, UX Design, and Basic.

Interview Warmup was originally designed to assist Google Career Certificate students in preparing for job searches, but it is now available to anyone.