Google Introduces New Video Ads Manager Tools

Google Ad Manager has announced a new set of tools to help users save time, manage the user's video streams, and increase video revenue.
SIA Team
May 23, 2022

Google Ad Manager has announced a new set of tools to help users save time, manage the user’s video streams, and increase video revenue.

The latest tool is designed to assist publishers in better understanding insights. When a user logs into a user’s account, they’ll see highlighted opportunities that the user may have missed previously.

A new video signal card will provide an overview of the performance of the user’s specific video inventory. Among the signals it monitors viewability, app or web domain name, and audience information.

In-depth insights from the Programmatic Video Health tool can help users understand how inventory performs at auctions in comparison to others.

Image from Google

Furthermore, these signals indicate the potential revenue impact of videos. The signals listed above will assist users in determining the worth of the user’s video inventory and identifying areas where certain metrics can be improved.

The Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) errors insights card is the second tool added for programmatic and video.

Image from Google

The VAST errors card automates the display of the number of errors on a user’s video inventory. It also indicates which line items are causing errors.

This significant advancement reduced the time it takes to access performance data to under 2 minutes.

It is said that it’s critical to be able to quickly review ad-level data to detect and correct errors. Time is money, especially if the user’s videos are seen by a large number of people.

Finally, the YouTube Ads Delivery Tool can test ad delivery on YouTube inventory in real-time.

Users will be able to see data such as; Ad requests, Key-values, and Details for winning line items.

These insights help users quickly validate and resolve any inventory issues so they can get back to work.