Report on Google Search Console’s Video Indexing is Now Accessible

Google's latest Search Console report details issues encountered while indexing websites with videos.
SIA Team
July 17, 2022

Google Search Console is getting a new report to help users better understand how their videos perform in search results.

The report can be used to find the answers to questions like: How many pages did Google identify as having a video? Which videos were successfully indexed? and what problems hinder videos from being indexed?

When users resolve a current issue, they can use the report, like other Search Console reports, to verify the resolution and monitor how the video pages are updated in Google’s index.

The video indexing study does not address the reliability of video markup because it does not rely on structured data to identify videos. Therefore, if users post videos to their website, they must review both reports.

Google Search Console only reported on videos that had been marked up with structured data prior to today’s upgrade.

The Video Indexing report, first unveiled at Google I/O in May, makes it simple to identify and address issues that prevent their films from appearing in Google Search.