Twitter’s Updates New Feed Options

To enable users to follow timelines created by other people, social media platforms such as Twitter are introducing "Discover Timelines."
SIA Team
August 30, 2022

Twitter is said to be developing additional timeline options that will incorporate tweets and other media centered around particular events or topics.

Amir Shevat, Twitter Head of Product Development, first announced on June 11, 2022, then on August 24th, 2022. 

Through an in-app prompt, users will be able to follow personalized timelines. Users can navigate through conversations about particular topics by clicking on postings that are related to them. Similar to lists, but with less clicking required for topic following.

Also, custom algorithms that base their relevance on the theme on data like search phrases, users, topics, and manual curation will power these new timelines. Users’ timelines won’t be replaced by this new feature and instead will be added as a page addition.

It is said that a selected number of customers in the United States and Canada will have access to this 10-week trial program.