What Is Ubersuggest And How Do You Use It?

There are tons of SEO tools available, especially when it comes to Keyword Research. For a newbie, it can seem daunting and confusing, it can be hard to choose which SEO tool to use, and which ones are worth paying for. In a previous blog post, we talked about SEMrush, an SEO Tool to help […]
SIA Team
February 20, 2024

There are tons of SEO tools available, especially when it comes to Keyword Research. For a newbie, it can seem daunting and confusing, it can be hard to choose which SEO tool to use, and which ones are worth paying for.

In a previous blog post, we talked about SEMrush, an SEO Tool to help you enhance your content. We also talked about keyword ideas such as using long-tail keywords, the importance of understanding the keyword volume when picking up a list of keywords for your compelling website content strategy development, and even the use of organic keywords. 

One of the best things you would have learned if you follow our content, is the use of free keyword research tools such as the use of Google itself, in getting keywords to target.

Today, it’s Neil Patel’s time with his Ubersuggest SEO Tool. It is mostly used by digital marketing agencies or content marketers and the tool provides hundreds of suggestions when it comes to keyword research, in just a single click on the search box. It gives you more keyword research capabilities that you can’t find by just doing a Google keyword research.

You will still will be exposed to seed keywords and primary target keyword, since this is the first thing you need to think about when using this tool. Neil Patel’s tool will give you ideas that you can use for your head term, keyword variations, and long-tail keywords. You might find excellent keyword ideas, even extra keywords that could serve as your topic for pieces of content for your content creation process.

What Is Ubersuggest?

What is Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a tool that was acquired by Neil Patel in 2017. It is one of the best free keyword research tools that you can use, with an easy-to-use interface that provides real-time data on your target keyword or seed keywords on its search box.

The tool generates a quick analysis of a long list of suggested and related keywords (based on Google’s Suggest feature), as well as the top-performing competitors for each of these keywords, their organic traffic, social network shares, and even domain authority.

The tool is being updated from time to time and something that you can trust is that its interface is very user-friendly. So whenever they update the tool, you can easily identify its function.

To get full access for the tool, you would need to subscribe to a plan. However, they offer a seven day free trial so that you could test the tool out, before committing to a subscription.

Ubersuggest offers monthly and lifetime subscriptions for individual, businesses, and enterprise/agency.

Ubersuggest pricing

What Ubersuggest Does for Your Business

seo keyword research

You might be asking why use this tool if there are already other tools that you can rely on? Here are some features that the tool has, that you can make use ofL

  1. Determine which organic keyword suggestions could be profitable to target with a content marketing strategy. Rather than guessing, you can see which keywords from your list of keyword ideas will increase traffic and revenue and which will waste your time and money.
  2. Understand broad searcher intent on a specific topic. You’ll have a better understanding of what your customers are looking for once you see the list of suggested keywords.
  3. Determine which organic keywords to avoid (due to irrelevance, competition keywords, and/or low keyword search volume). Some organic keywords may appear to be great ideas at first, but using Ubersuggest, you’ll discover that some are so popular that competing for them is impossible.
  4. Discover new content ideas out from your seed keywords or list of keyword ideas by looking at what people are already looking for.

What Are The Benefits Of Ubersuggest?

Ubersuggest benefits

Ubersuggest provides real-time keyword suggestions based on Google Suggest and Google Keyword Planner (Google AdWords) suggestions (Google Keyword Tool). It gives you a list of organic keywords or even paid keywords, that could be closely-related keywords, a combination of seed keywords or examples of buyer keywords (consumers keyword) and decent keyword ideas that could give you a good conversion rate for your content.

Your choice of keywords can be analyzed using the following criteria:

  • Search Volume: It displays an estimate of keyword volume of searches for the keyword per month (monthly search volume). You can see the total number of searches as well as the monthly search distribution. The graph shows whether the keyword’s popularity is increasing or decreasing, as well as whether it is affected by seasonality.
  • SEO Difficulty: This indicates how difficult the keyword is to rank in organic search results. A high number indicates that competing with other sites will be difficult. Note that a keyword with an SEO difficulty of less than 60 is usually the best option.
  • Paid Difficulty: indicates how difficult the keyword is to bid on in the paid search results. The higher the number, the more it would cost you to get your ad in front of potential customers.
  • Cost per Click (CPC): displays the estimated cost of bidding on this keyword.

Key Features of Ubersuggest

You might be curious and excited to learn the key features of the tool. In the following sections, we will go over all of the tool’s functions in detail. It’s worth noting that the Ubersuggest interface is very easy to use. A dashboard and an overview of all functions can be found on the left side.

  • Ubersuggest – Dashboard
  • Ubersuggest – Overview
  • Ubersuggest – Keyword-Ideas
  • Ubersuggest – Content-Ideas
  • Traffic Analyzer – Overview
  • Traffic Analyzer – Top-Pages
  • Traffic Analyzer – Keywords

Let’s talk first about the Dashboard.

Ubersuggest – Dashboard

Ubersuggest dashboard

In the dashboard, you have the option to create a total of 5 projects. This feature is especially useful for assigning keywords to a project and tracking their progress, in terms of ranking.

Each domain can store up to 25 keywords. This query option is adequate for smaller projects with no more than 25 focus keywords defined. 

Ubersuggest – Overview (Keyword-Research)

This tool provides important information about a keyword that you enter. This also gives you the following subsections:

  • Keyword Research Overview. The most basic method for keyword research is to enter a term into a search engine. Ubersuggest examines the average monthly keyword search volume, SEO difficulty, Paid difficulty, Cost per Click (CPC), and keyword trend over a year.
Ubersuggest overview
  • Keyword-Ideas.  Real-time keyword suggestions that are relevant keyword alternatives are provided in this section. The database has returned results for over one billion different lists of keyword ideas, sorted by SEO-Difficulty. The SEO-Difficulty metric indicates how difficult it is to rank for a single keyword.
Ubersuggest keyword ideas

The monthly search volume is also displayed. The data is from Google keyword planner. You can estimate whether the effort for optimization is worthwhile by using both the search volume and the SEO Difficulty.

If optimization is not worthwhile, alternative keywords ideas can be found that are more promising.

Ubersuggest also has these columns where you can find suggestions (suggested keywords), related, questions, Prepositions, and Comparisons.

  1. Related – the list of keywords in this column is related to your seed keyword or main keyword you put in the search bar, but it does not mean that they are on the same topic. 
  2. Questions – the words you will find in this column are keywords in the form of a question 
  3. Prepositions – in this column, you will find keyword terms that combine two concepts into one
  4. Comparisons – This feature actually generates a list of keywords beginning with the terms “vs”, “or”, or “and”. Basically, it will give you keywords that compare two things.
  • Content-Ideas. The section on content ideas provides examples of articles and pages that rank high in search engines for your target keyword. This is extremely useful if you want to see what types of content ranks well in search engines. It can help you generate ideas on how to improve your content and outperform your competitors. You can also see the estimated keywords for which the page ranks, as well as the number of visitors per month.
Ubersuggest content ideas

Traffic Analyzer – Overview

Ubersuggest traffic overview

The Ubersuggest traffic analyzers can assist you in gaining an understanding of the types of traffic that top pages and keywords can generate for a keyword or domain.

  • Organic Keywords – This is the total number of Google keywords for which this site ranks. Remember that ranking for a large number of keywords does not always imply that a site receives a lot of traffic. This is because according to one study of Google CTR statistics, the top three results in Google receive roughly one-third of all clicks.
  • Organic Monthly Traffic – This is a feature that gives you an estimated number of Google visitors a site receives on a monthly basis.
  • Domain Score – This is an estimation of a domain’s link authority.  Domain score shows that the higher the number, the more high-quality backlinks pointing to the site. In general, competing against sites with high Domain Score is more difficult. Always remember to check the domain score if you want to work this out.
  • Backlinks – This is the total number of backlinks to a website.
  • Traffic Trend Chart – This is where you can see how a site’s organic traffic has changed over time. It is interesting to see how a competitor’s rankings have changed from time to time.
  • SEO Keywords Ranking – It shows a breakdown of how a website ranks in Google search results.
Ubersuggest seo keywords ranking
  • Top SEO Pages – it’s a list of the pages that gets the most traffic on a website from search engines.
Ubersuggest top seo pages


By now, you have a better idea bout the Ubersuggest and its different features. You may use the tool for free or test out the seven-day trial period to check if it works fine for you.

Once you do decide to subscribe, I would say, it’ll be worth it. 

At the end of the day, if you want to rank and have a good conversion rate, you have to invest in a tool that would help you get there and Ubersuggest in one good tool to look at.

On the lookout for tools that can help you with your SEO goals and reach the top spot of the search results? Check out our articles at https://seointel.com/blog/