Google Tweets About Time-Saving Core Web Vitals Auditing Tool

If you’re looking for a faster way to do Web Vitals and Page Experience audits, this free tool may be of interest.
SIA Team
September 10, 2021


Just recently, I came across an in-depth article that describes a time-saving process that will be of interest to anyone who has to do SEO audits, specifically in the newer field of Core Web Vitals and Page Experience. 

It started when I saw this tweet: 

Since this tweet was on Google’s Analytics Twitter channel, I knew it was worth checking out. 

The tweet linked to an article by Lazarina Stoy, titled, Accelerate Your Page Experience and Core Web Vitals Reporting with Data Studio

But, to really put this discovery in context, I have to explain that we’re navigating in a bit of a new area.

The Relatively New Field of Core Web Vitals and Page Experience Auditing

Earlier this month, Google announced that the Page Experience rollout is complete. While Google will most likely make tweaks to this update, this rather new announcement, and the significance of this update, has opened up a new field of exploration in the SEO and webmaster world. 

As you may know, Core Web Vitals and Page Experience updates (of which there are some overlaps, but each can be thought of separately) are still rather new to the industry.

And as such, auditing for these two is a rather new endeavor to our industry. 

Have you ever tried to do an extensive audit for either, or both, of these updates? 

Because it’s such a new development, it can be both a trial-by-error and time-consuming process. 

(That said, if you’re used to doing prior SEO audits and looking at data, then you may have the skills to more easily learn how to do Web Vitals and Page Experience audits. However, it still remains that without the right process and tools, it can be a process that takes a lot of time.)

A Process and The Tools That Help Reveal Areas to Improve

Well, if you’re sincerely looking to shorten the time it takes you to perform such an audit, while coming up with real solutions for your client, you may be in luck. 

Lazarina Stoy faced a similar situation that you faced: she did Web Vitals audits and wanted to save time. So, she built a tool (specifically a Data Studio tool) that she integrates into a time-saving process. 

A Brief Summary of This Time-Saving Process

Lazarina’s ~3700-to-3800-word article is worth the read, but I’ll try to introduce it to you by summarizing what I feel is the part that’s of key interest–the part about setting up and troubleshooting your new dashboard. 

You’ll need access to a few tools, such as Screaming Frog, Page Speed Insights API, Google Drive, and Google Sheets.

Then, basically, you gather data from Screaming Frog and Page Speed Insights (which is done via an API), and connect the gathered data to Lazarina’s tool. 

Now, what I just mentioned might be a gross oversimplification, but that’s my best attempt at summarizing it. It is, by its nature, a very detailed, precise process.

In summary, if you want a faster way to create an audit, this is a process to consider.

Source: Google Analytics Twitter channel