Analytics Helper Class With Google Analytics and Firebase

You can use Analytics helper classes with Analytics and Firebase.
SIA Team
December 8, 2021

If you want to learn about using an Analytics helper class with Google Analytics and Firebase, this may be of interest to you. 

That tweet links to an article by Chris Hubbard, who’s a data engineer with Adswerve, titled, Using an Analytics Helper Class With Firebase and Google Analytics.

Many businesses that have some level of analytical sophistication are hesitant when it comes to adding analytics to their apps. 

One of the most important technical considerations that a business must take into account is that of building an analytics helper class. 

A helper class, in our context, is ‘a piece of code that you create for your analytics implementation that “wraps” the Firebase Analytics SDK’s methods and provides an intermediary between your app and Firebase.’ (Hubbard, Chris, Using an Analytics Helper Class With Firebase and Google Analytics.)

Source: Adswerve