Google Ads Releases Diagnostic Data

Google is now alerting marketers to diagnostic problems that could be hurting the effectiveness of campaigns.
SIA Team
July 8, 2022

Google is now alerting marketers to diagnostic problems that could be hurting the effectiveness of campaigns.

The Insights tab will soon receive a new data set from Google Ads that will highlight any problems discovered during diagnostic inspections.

Users can find issues that stop campaigns from displaying, are the reason for low engagement, make it difficult to track conversions, and more with the use of diagnostic insights.

Users may access this information on the Performance Max campaigns’ Insights and Overview page to troubleshoot problems as soon as they are discovered.

The following insights will be broken down in great detail by Google Ads; account status, billing status, policy review, conversion tracking, campaign budget, bid strategy target, campaign status and ad strength.

Customized suggestions will take the guesswork out of resolving the problems Google discovers, allowing users to quickly return their campaign to peak performance.

In May, diagnostic insights in Google Ads were shown off with the promise of a quick rollout. The launch began two months later.