Google Announces 3-Step Holiday Prep Checklist for New Retailers

Is 2021 the birth year of your retail business? Great! This 3-step checklist is a perfect start for you. But...hurry!
SIA Team
October 4, 2021

This past Thursday, September 30th, 2021, the Google Small Business Twitter channel had a tweet that should interest retailers. 

That tweet linked to a page on Small Business With Google–a page titled Holiday Tools & Resources

So, what are the 3 steps?

Step 1: Learn to Sell Online

This step is actually an invitation to join a livestream hosted by Shopify, in partnership with Google. This event is scheduled for the 26th of October.

But why wait until then? As of the time I’m writing this, the 26th is just over 3 weeks away. 

You can click here to see some of our content for retail businesses.

Step 2: Drive Online Sales

Did you know that, in some cases, you can have your products featured on Google–for free?

In fact, last week, I wrote a news piece about an upcoming feature (which may be in beta) that I’m almost certain will be free for retailers: Google Announces New Feature That May Excite Retail Businesses

Step 3: Boost In-Store Sales

This has to do with getting a free Business Profile

Of course, there’s a lot more to do when it comes to in-store sales. 

One way you can do that is discussed here: Track Offline Sales With Google Analytics (GA): New Article Shows How.

Source:  Google Small Business Twitter channel