NOTE: This news item is for information purposes only, and is not meant to be a source of legal advice.
Are you aware of all the privacy requirements you must meet in order to stay on the right side of the law?
Are you sure?
If not, and you want to avoid the timely and costly consequences of someone (or some regulatory body) accusing you of something, you may wish to familiarize yourself with some of the key privacy requirements of online marketing.
That’s where this tweet, from the Google Ads’ Twitter channel, may be of interest.
The tweet links to this page: Privacy at Google – On-Demand Week. On that page, you can register for on-demand videos on a range of privacy-related subjects.
These subjects are basically aimed at helping you become more familiar with privacy requirements.
But, some of these requirements impose restrictions on us, so the trick is to also become more aware of the emerging technologies that may help you meet privacy regulations while still acquiring the data you need to grow your business.
Source: Google Ads Twitter channel