Google Cloud Sets A New World Record By Computing Pi To A Billion Trillion Digits

It took 157 days to complete the calculation, which required 128 vCPUs, 864GB of RAM, and 515 terabytes of storage.
SIA Team
June 12, 2022

Google Cloud believes it has broken the previous world record of 62.8 trillion by computing pi to 100 trillion digits.

Google Cloud set the previous record in 2019 with 31.4 trillion digits. Google’s cloud infrastructure’s bandwidth has increased by 600% since then, which Google Developer Advocate Emma Haruka Iwao admitted was its “a big factor that made this 100-trillion experiment possible, allowing us to move 82.0 PB of data for the calculation, up from 19.1 PB in 2019.”

Pi is an irrational number, which means it cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers, and thus its decimal representation never ends. Mathematicians have been improving its accuracy for thousands of years, and Google recently added 37.2 trillion digits.ytes of storage.

Google Cloud computed 100 trillion digits of pi using a n2-highmem-128 machine running Debian Linux 11. An Intel Xeon processor with 128 vCPUs and 864GB of RAM powers the machine. The total storage capacity of this behemoth was 663 terabytes, of which 515 terabytes were used. Alexander J. Yee’s y-cruncher program was then used to calculate the Chudnovsky formula.

The amount of time it took to complete the task reflects its magnitude. On October 14, 2021, Google launched the program, and it reached 100 trillion digits on March 21, 2022. Everything took 157 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes, and 7.651 seconds to compute. The machine read and wrote 82 petabytes of data during that time.

Guinness World Records has yet to confirm the record, but the final numbers have been verified using another algorithm known as the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula, so it should be a formality.