Google Releases New Badges To Help Customers Avoid Installing Malicious Chrome Extensions

Google is seeking to make it easier for Chrome users to install useful extensions without first investigating their origins.
SIA Team
April 20, 2022

Google is seeking to make it easier for Chrome users to install useful extensions without first investigating their origins.

According to the company, two additional badges have been applied to extensions. The first, Featured, looks like a prize ribbon and will appear on extensions that, according to the business, “meet our technical best practices and reach a high degree of user experience and design.”

This is a manual process, according to Google, that includes reviewing extensions for an enjoyable and straightforward experience, ensuring developers are using the most up-to-date APIs, and monitoring each extension’s privacy practices and requested permissions. Extensions must also have a descriptive store page that explains their function to get the Featured label. Finally, the fundamental functionalities of an extension “must be accessible without additional credentials or charges.”

The second badge will appear on the extensions of Established Publisher. This one, with a checkmark design, is given to publishers who “have authenticated their identity and proven compliance with the developer program requirements,” but that isn’t enough to earn the badge. According to Google, developers must also have a “consistently positive track record” with Google’s services and no outstanding developer policy violations. As a result, first-time extension publishers will be required to prove their usefulness. “At least a few months of sticking to these guidelines will be required to qualify,” Google states.

Companies cannot pay for either of the new badges, but they can suggest an existing extension to be featured. 

“It’s always been our objective to make it simple for users to find outstanding extensions while also honoring the publishers who build them,” Google’s Debbie Kim wrote in a blog post announcing the badges today. The labels should make it easier for customers to click the install button without fear of harmful extensions making their way onto the Chrome Web Store.