Google Search Console Page Tracks More Desktop Search Functionalities

User's page experience report and performance reports may show an increase in impressions as a result of this.
SIA Team
May 18, 2022

According to Google, some of the reporting within Google Search Console has been changed to track more desktop features for the page experience report. When the page experience report and performance reports are sorted by “excellent page experience,” you may notice an increase in desktop impressions.

Some desktop features were not tracked by Google in the page experience report. You may see a spike in impressions on and after May 13th, now that Google is tracking and reporting those impressions for extra desktop capabilities for the page experience report. When you use the “Good Page Experience” search appearance to filter the Google Search Console Search and News performance reports, this can have an impact.

If users notice a spike or rise in impressions starting on May 13th, they can dive down into the Search and News performance reports and filter by “Good Page Experience” search appearance to determine if this is likely due to the new logging of extra desktop features.

Google said that for new desktop features, including Top Stories, Search Console now logs impressions in the Page Experience report. As a result, when filtered by the “Good Page Experience” search appearance, you may see an increase in your desktop impressions in the Page Experience report, as well as in the Search and News performance reports.