Instagram Releases Reels Features Updates

Reels may now be shared from Instagram to Facebook, giving users more precise information on how well the videos are performing.
SIA Team
August 16, 2022

Three new tools, including the ability to cross-post to Facebook and more, are being introduced by Instagram for users who create Reels films.

New features include Crossposting from Instagram to Facebook, the “Add Yours” sticker, and specific information about Reels performance on Facebook. This upgrade was announced recently in a video that Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri shared on his Twitter account.

Users who have accounts on both social networking platforms may now publish a Reel to Instagram and have it post to Facebook at the same time.

They will be asked to post a Reel they made on Facebook or Instagram. All reels created on Instagram after opting in to cross-posting will automatically share to Facebook unless they specify otherwise at the time of sharing.

Also, as for the “Add Yours” sticker, users can attach the sticker to any Reel to encourage people to create a Reel in response. In response to the prompt, users can tap on the sticker and add their own reel.

Also, Reels’ Facebook analytics are being updated and improved. With this upgrade,they will have access to analysis tools that let them look at information like reach, average watch time, overall watch time, and other metrics that can show them how well their Reels are doing on Facebook.