There are some technical (and policy) issues when it comes to using cooking for tracking. Server-side tagging holds some promise.
If you’re involved in affiliate marketing or advertise on a large scale, you’re probably aware of cookies and their use.
However, there are some limitations:
A new article, published on, gives an overview of how server-side tagging can be a viable replacement for the use of cookies.
(That said, there are pros and limitations of each.)
From my understanding, the simplest way to describe what server-side tracking is, in a word (or phrase), is two-sided.
Basically, your server registers a sale, and with that sale comes certain data (not of which breeches the privacy of any particular customer).
That’s one side.
The word two-sided comes in because it’s when the affilaite’s data is matched to a sale that it’s confirmed that a given sale was referred by that affiliate.
For affilaites, advertisers, and managers who feel the squeeze of increasingly restrictive regulations, server-side tagging (though it has its limitations), seems like a viable alternative to using cookies. Yes, it does take some time to set up, get used to, and test, but it may be time and effort well spent.