RankMath joins the bandwagon of IndexNow protocol adopters with their integration of IndexNow to their plugin.
IndexNow is a protocol developed by Microsoft Bing and Yandex, which allows sites to ping search engines whenever new content is added, updated, or deleted, without the need to manually request for indexing.
Now that RankMath integrates IndexNow, whenever RankMath is installed and IndexNow is configured, it will automatically generate and host the API Key for the IndexNow protocol. This means that search engines that support IndexNow receive the latest changes about a site, which allows faster indexing and without the need for manually submitting urls to individual search engines.
According to the release, RankMath does everything on the fly while still allowing users to have complete control over the type of URLs that will be submitted to IndexNow.
In order to enable IndexNow in RankMath, head over to WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Dashboard > Modules and enable the Instant Indexing module
The rest of the settings can configured at Rank Math > Instant Indexing > Settings.
You can select or deselect whichever content you want to submit automatically. Rank Math also offers a few different options to submit URLs manually – submit urls in a batch, submit individual post/page.
As of now, IndexNow only works for Bing and Yandex, while Google is supposedly testing it out.
More and more plugins, tools, and programs are adopting the IndexNow Protocol. AIOSEO has also integrated it with their plugin, which was then followed on closely by RankMath.
As more and more adopt the protocol, we still hold on hope that Google will support it, too. That would greatly help SEOs and webmasters with the issues on crawling and indexing being experienced.