SEO Tools and Software
Advanced SEO Strategies


In today's digital landscape, effective keyword research is crucial for driving organic traffic, improving search engine rankings, and ultimately achieving online success.

Among the plethora of SEO tools available, Ubersuggest has emerged as a game-changer, providing marketers and businesses with unparalleled insights and capabilities.

With its comprehensive features and intuitive interface, Ubersuggest empowers users to uncover valuable keyword opportunities, understand searcher intent, and craft compelling content that resonates with their target audience.

Acquired by renowned entrepreneur Neil Patel, Ubersuggest has evolved into a go-to tool for digital marketing agencies and content marketers seeking to maximize their SEO efforts.

By leveraging real-time data and utilizing Google Suggest and Google Keyword Planner suggestions, Ubersuggest goes beyond traditional keyword research, offering a rich array of keyword suggestions and related insights.

Whether you are a seasoned SEO professional or a novice content creator, Ubersuggest equips you with the necessary tools to make informed decisions, outrank competitors, and drive meaningful organic traffic to your website.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key features, benefits, and functionalities of Ubersuggest, enabling you to harness the full potential of this remarkable SEO tool.

Here is what you will read in this article:

  • What Is Ubersuggest?
  • What Ubersuggest Does for Your Business
  • What Are the Benefits of Ubersuggest?
    • Comprehensive Keyword Suggestions
    • Advanced Keyword Analysis
    • Enhanced Content Ideation
    • Competitor Analysis (CPC)
    • User-Friendly Interface
  • Key Metrics
    • Search Volume
    • SEO Difficulty
    • Paid Difficulty
    • Cost per Click (CPC)
  • Key Features
    • Ubersuggest – Dashboard
    • Keyword Research Overview
      • Keyword-Ideas
      • Content-Ideas
    • Traffic Analyzer – Overview
      • Organic Keywords
      • Organic Monthly Traffic
      • Domain Score
      • Backlinks
      • Traffic Trend Chart
      • SEO Keywords Ranking
      • Top SEO Pages
  • Subscription Options
  • Conclusion

What Is Ubersuggest?

Ubersuggest is a powerful SEO tool that has gained significant popularity among marketers and businesses for its comprehensive keyword research capabilities.

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Ubersuggest has become an indispensable resource for optimizing online presence and improving search engine rankings.

Ubersuggest offers real-time keyword suggestions based on Google Suggest and Google Keyword Planner data.

By entering a seed keyword or primary target keyword, users are presented with a wealth of related keyword ideas, helping them uncover untapped opportunities and identify potential content topics.

Beyond keyword suggestions, Ubersuggest provides valuable insights into search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and cost per click (CPC), enabling users to prioritize keywords effectively.

One standout feature of Ubersuggest is its ability to generate long lists of keyword ideas with a single click.

These suggestions go beyond the seed keyword, providing variations and alternative options for content creation.

Users can explore related keywords, questions, prepositions, and comparisons, opening up opportunities to cater to different user intents and target specific audience needs.

Complementing its keyword research capabilities, Ubersuggest's Content Ideas feature analyzes top-ranking pages for a specific keyword, providing a list of content that drives substantial traffic, backlinks, and social media shares.

This feature serves as a valuable resource for content inspiration, helping marketers stay ahead of the curve and deliver relevant and engaging content to their audience.

Overall, Ubersuggest's intuitive interface and comprehensive keyword research capabilities make it a go-to tool for optimizing SEO efforts.

Whether you're a content creator or an SEO professional, Ubersuggest provides the necessary insights and data to make informed decisions and drive success in the digital landscape.

What Ubersuggest Does for Your Business

Ubersuggest goes beyond being just a keyword research tool.

It serves as a powerful ally in shaping your business's online presence and driving organic traffic.

Here's how Ubersuggest can benefit your business:

Target Profitable Keywords

Ubersuggest helps you identify keywords that can be highly profitable for your business.

Instead of relying on guesswork, you can leverage Ubersuggest's data to determine which keywords from your list have the potential to increase traffic and revenue.

By focusing on these profitable keywords, you can align your content marketing strategy and optimize your website to attract relevant and qualified traffic.

Understand Searcher Intent

By analyzing the suggested keywords provided by Ubersuggest, you gain a deeper understanding of what your target audience is searching for.

This insight allows you to align your content with the specific needs and interests of your audience, increasing the chances of capturing their attention and providing valuable solutions.

Ubersuggest helps you uncover the broader searcher intent, empowering you to create content that addresses their pain points, answers their questions, and fulfills their search intent.

Avoid Irrelevant Keywords

Ubersuggest helps you filter out irrelevant keywords that may not contribute to your business goals.

By considering factors such as search volume and SEO difficulty, you can identify keywords that are not worth pursuing due to low search volume or high competition.

This saves you time and effort that would have otherwise been wasted on keywords that have minimal potential for driving meaningful traffic or conversions.

Discover New Content Ideas

Ubersuggest assists you in discovering fresh content ideas based on your seed keywords or existing keyword list.

By exploring the suggested keywords and related content ideas, you can uncover new topics and angles that resonate with your target audience.

This enables you to expand your content strategy, tap into untapped niches, and stay ahead of the competition.

Ubersuggest's content ideas feature provides valuable insights into the types of content that rank well in search engines, giving you inspiration to create high-performing content that attracts organic traffic and engages your audience.

What Are the Benefits of Ubersuggest?

Ubersuggest offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your keyword research and content optimization efforts.

Let's explore the key advantages of using Ubersuggest:

Comprehensive Keyword Suggestions

Ubersuggest provides real-time keyword suggestions based on Google Suggest and Google Keyword Planner.

It generates a vast array of keyword ideas, including closely-related keywords, long-tail variations, and examples of buyer keywords.

This comprehensive list of keyword suggestions enables you to uncover valuable keyword opportunities that may not be readily available through other tools or manual research methods.

Advanced Keyword Analysis

Ubersuggest equips you with valuable data and metrics to evaluate the potential of your chosen keywords.

The tool provides essential information such as search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and cost per click (CPC).

By analyzing these metrics, you can assess the competitiveness and commercial viability of specific keywords, allowing you to make informed decisions about which keywords to prioritize in your content strategy.

Enhanced Content Ideation

Ubersuggest goes beyond keyword suggestions and offers a content ideas feature.

This feature allows you to explore top-performing articles and pages that rank well for your target keyword.

By examining these high-ranking content pieces, you gain insights into the types of content that resonate with your audience and attract significant traffic.

This information serves as a valuable source of inspiration for creating engaging, informative, and relevant content that has a higher likelihood of ranking well in search engine results.

Competitor Analysis

Ubersuggest enables you to conduct competitor analysis by providing data on your competitors' organic keywords, backlinks, and traffic trends.

By understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting and the sources of their organic traffic, you can gain valuable insights into their content strategy and identify opportunities to outrank them.

This competitive intelligence helps you refine your own keyword targeting and content creation efforts, giving you a competitive edge in the search engine rankings.

User-Friendly Interface

Ubersuggest boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced marketers.

The tool's streamlined design and easy navigation allow you to quickly find the information you need and perform keyword research efficiently.

Whether you're a solopreneur, a digital marketing agency, or an enterprise, Ubersuggest offers a user-friendly experience that enables you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your content effectively.

Key Metrics

Ubersuggest provides valuable metrics that allow you to assess the potential and competitiveness of keywords.

Let's dive deeper into the key metrics: search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and cost per click (CPC).

1. Search Volume

Search volume refers to the estimated number of searches a keyword receives within a specific timeframe, usually on a monthly basis.

Ubersuggest provides you with search volume data, allowing you to gauge the popularity and demand for a particular keyword.

Higher search volumes indicate a greater potential for attracting organic traffic to your website.

By analyzing search volume, you can identify keywords that have a significant audience and align your content strategy to target those keywords with higher search volumes for increased visibility and potential website traffic.

2. SEO Difficulty

SEO difficulty is a metric that indicates how challenging it is to rank for a specific keyword in organic search results.

Ubersuggest assigns an SEO difficulty score to each keyword, typically ranging from 0 to 100.

A higher SEO difficulty score suggests stronger competition and indicates that it may require more effort and resources to rank well for that keyword.

By considering the SEO difficulty score, you can prioritize keywords that have a lower difficulty score, making it more feasible to achieve better rankings and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Paid Difficulty

Paid difficulty, also known as PPC (Pay-Per-Click) difficulty, is a metric that assesses the competitiveness of a keyword in paid search advertising campaigns.

Ubersuggest provides a paid difficulty score for each keyword, indicating the level of competition you may encounter when running paid advertising campaigns targeting those keywords.

A higher paid difficulty score suggests that bidding on those keywords in paid campaigns may require a larger budget or face more competition from other advertisers.

By understanding the paid difficulty of keywords, you can make informed decisions about allocating your advertising budget effectively and selecting keywords that provide a balance between competition and potential return on investment (ROI).

4. Cost per Click (CPC)

Cost per click (CPC) is a metric that represents the average amount you would need to pay for each click on an ad targeting a specific keyword in a paid advertising campaign.

Ubersuggest provides estimated CPC values, giving you insights into the cost associated with running paid campaigns for particular keywords.

By considering CPC data, you can evaluate the potential costs involved in running paid advertising campaigns and make informed decisions about budget allocation, keyword selection, and overall campaign strategy.

These metrics play a crucial role in keyword selection and campaign planning.

By leveraging Ubersuggest's search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and CPC data, you can identify keywords with high search volume, manageable competition, and favorable cost-efficiency in both organic and paid search channels.

This empowers you to optimize your content strategy, target the right keywords, and allocate your resources effectively to achieve the best possible results in terms of organic visibility, traffic generation, and advertising campaign performance.

Key Features

Ubersuggest offers a range of key features that empower users with comprehensive insights and data to enhance their keyword research, content ideation, and competitive analysis.

Let's explore some of the key features that make Ubersuggest a valuable tool for digital marketers and content creators:

Ubersuggest – Dashboard

The Ubersuggest dashboard serves as a central hub where users can manage their projects and access various features of the tool.

Users can create up to five projects within the dashboard, allowing them to organize their keyword research, content ideas, and competitive analysis for different websites or campaigns.

The dashboard provides a user-friendly interface that enables easy navigation and quick access to the tool's functionalities. Users can track the progress of their projects, monitor keyword rankings, and stay organized with their SEO efforts.

This also gives you the following subsections:

Keyword Research Overview

Within Ubersuggest, the keyword research overview provides users with essential information about specific keywords.

Users can enter a keyword or seed keyword and obtain valuable insights into search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and cost per click (CPC).

The search volume metric reveals the average monthly search volume for a keyword, giving users an understanding of its popularity and potential reach.

SEO difficulty assesses the level of competition for ranking organically for a particular keyword, while paid difficulty indicates the competition in paid search campaigns.

The CPC metric provides an estimate of the cost per click for running ads targeting the keyword.

These metrics empower users to make data-driven decisions when selecting keywords for their content strategy.


Ubersuggest's keyword ideas feature is a powerful tool for expanding keyword research and discovering new content opportunities.

When users enter a keyword, Ubersuggest generates a list of related keywords, question-based keywords, preposition keywords, and comparison keywords.

This feature allows users to explore different angles and variations of their target keyword, uncovering unique and relevant keywords that may not have been considered initially.

By analyzing keyword ideas, users can identify long-tail keywords, niche-specific keywords, and trending topics that can drive organic traffic and attract a specific audience.

Ubersuggest provides crucial data for each keyword idea, such as search volume, SEO difficulty, and CPC, enabling users to evaluate the potential value and competitiveness of each keyword.

Ubersuggest also has the following columns where you can find keyword suggestions:

  1. Related - The list of keywords in this column is related to your seed keyword or main keyword you put in the search bar but it does not mean on the same topic.
  2. Questions - The words you will find in this column are keywords in the form of a question mark.
  3. Prepositions - In this column, you will find keyword terms that combine two concepts into one.
  4. Comparisons - This feature actually generates a list of keywords beginning with the terms "vs", "or", or "and". Basically, it will give you keywords that compare two things.


Ubersuggest's content ideas feature helps users generate compelling and engaging content by providing insights into the top-performing articles and pages related to a target keyword.

By entering a keyword, users can access a list of high-ranking content pieces that drive significant traffic, attract backlinks, and gain social media shares.

This feature allows users to analyze the successful content strategies of their competitors and industry leaders.

By studying the content ideas and topics that resonate with the target audience, users can identify content gaps, create unique and valuable content, and optimize their existing content to improve organic visibility.

Ubersuggest's content ideas feature serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for content creators, helping them develop content that stands out in the competitive digital landscape.

Traffic Analyzer – Overview

The Ubersuggest Traffic Analyzer feature provides users with a comprehensive overview of website traffic and performance metrics.

With this tool, users can gain valuable insights into the types of traffic generated by top pages and keywords associated with their target website or domain.

Organic Keywords

The Organic Keywords metric provided by Ubersuggest gives users valuable insights into the number of keywords for which their website ranks organically on search engines.

It represents the total count of keywords that contribute to the website's organic visibility.

By understanding the range of keywords the website is ranking for, users can optimize their content strategy, identify potential gaps, and uncover new opportunities to attract targeted organic traffic.

Organic Monthly Traffic

Organic Monthly Traffic is a key metric in Ubersuggest's arsenal, providing users with an estimate of the amount of organic traffic their website receives on a monthly basis.

It gives users a quantitative understanding of the volume of visitors they are attracting from organic search results.

By monitoring the trends and fluctuations in organic traffic over time, users can assess the effectiveness of their SEO efforts, track the impact of content optimizations, and identify potential areas for improvement.

Domain Score

The Domain Score metric in Ubersuggest is an estimation of a website's overall link authority.

It takes into account the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to the domain.

A higher Domain Score indicates a stronger link profile and increased authority in the eyes of search engines.

Websites with higher Domain Scores generally have a better chance of ranking well in search results.

By monitoring and improving the Domain Score, users can enhance their website's search engine visibility and gain a competitive edge in their industry.


Backlinks are an essential element of SEO, and the Backlinks metric in Ubersuggest provides users with valuable information about the number of backlinks their website has.

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website.

They play a significant role in search engine rankings, as search engines view them as a vote of confidence and trust.

By analyzing the number and quality of backlinks, users can assess the strength of their website's link profile, identify opportunities for link building, and improve their overall SEO strategy.

Traffic Trend Chart

The Traffic Trend Chart is a visual representation of how a website's organic traffic has evolved over a specific period.

This chart allows users to monitor the trends and patterns in their website's organic traffic, helping them understand the impact of various factors such as algorithm updates, content optimizations, or marketing campaigns.

By analyzing the traffic trend chart, users can identify periods of growth or decline, make data-driven decisions to optimize their SEO efforts, and identify areas for improvement to maximize their website's organic traffic potential.

SEO Keywords Ranking

The SEO Keywords Ranking feature in Ubersuggest provides users with valuable insights into how their website ranks for specific keywords in search engine results.

Users can identify the keywords that are driving organic traffic to their website and monitor their rankings over time.

This data allows users to evaluate the effectiveness of their SEO strategies, optimize their content targeting, and identify opportunities to improve their keyword rankings.

By tracking and analyzing SEO keyword rankings, users can refine their SEO efforts, increase their website's visibility, and attract more targeted organic traffic.

Top SEO Pages

The Top SEO Pages metric in Ubersuggest provides users with a list of pages on their website that generate the most organic traffic from search engines.

By analyzing these top-performing pages, users can gain insights into the types of content that resonate well with their target audience and drive organic traffic.

Users can identify the keywords and topics that these pages are optimized for, understand their content strategies, and leverage these insights to create more high-performing pages.

This metric helps users focus their efforts on optimizing the pages that have the greatest impact on their website's organic traffic and overall SEO success.

Subscription Options

Ubersuggest offers users various subscription options to access its full range of features and unlock additional benefits.

While the tool provides a free version with limited functionality, subscribing to one of their premium plans can offer significant advantages for businesses and digital marketers.

Individual Subscription - $29 per Month

Ubersuggest offers a monthly individual subscription plan that provides users with unrestricted access to all features.

This option is ideal for freelancers, solopreneurs, or small business owners who want to enhance their SEO efforts and keyword research capabilities.

By subscribing as an individual, users can take advantage of Ubersuggest's comprehensive suite of tools to optimize their website's visibility, target the right keywords, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

Business Subscription - $49 per month

The Business subscription plan caters to the needs of digital marketing agencies, marketing teams, and larger businesses.

With this plan, multiple team members can collaborate within a single Ubersuggest account, making it easier to manage and streamline SEO campaigns.

The Business subscription offers advanced features and additional usage limits to accommodate the requirements of larger-scale operations.

It empowers marketing teams to conduct in-depth keyword research, competitor analysis, and track performance metrics efficiently.

Enterprise/Agency Subscription - $99 per month

Ubersuggest's Enterprise/Agency subscription is designed for larger agencies, enterprises, or businesses with extensive SEO needs.

This plan provides enhanced scalability, allowing users to manage multiple projects, domains, and teams efficiently.

The Enterprise/Agency subscription offers advanced reporting capabilities, priority customer support, and tailored solutions to meet the specific requirements of high-volume operations.

It enables businesses to leverage Ubersuggest's comprehensive SEO toolkit across their organization, ensuring a data-driven approach to maximize online visibility and drive organic traffic.

Please note that these prices are subject to change, and it's always best to visit the Ubersuggest website or contact their support team for the most up-to-date and accurate pricing information.

Additionally, Ubersuggest may offer discounted pricing for annual subscriptions or promotional deals from time to time, so it's worth exploring their website for any ongoing offers or discounts.


Ubersuggest is a valuable tool for businesses and digital marketers seeking to improve their SEO efforts and achieve better search engine rankings.

While you can still benefit from the free version or take advantage of the seven-day trial period, subscribing to Ubersuggest is a worthwhile investment.

By subscribing, you gain access to advanced features and a more comprehensive set of data that can significantly enhance your keyword research, content strategy, and competitive analysis.

When it comes to driving organic traffic and improving conversion rates, investing in a reliable SEO tool like Ubersuggest is crucial.

The insights and capabilities provided by Ubersuggest empower businesses to make data-driven decisions, identify profitable keywords, and optimize their online presence effectively.

With Ubersuggest, you have the opportunity to stay ahead of your competitors, generate compelling content ideas, and drive targeted traffic to your website.

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