November 2023 Core Update, Finally Complete!

The November 2023 core update, this year’s 4th core update released last November 2, is finally finished rolling out. For this core update, it took almost 26 days to complete the rollout, way longer than the usual 2-week rollout period that previous updates have had. Similar to the recent previous updates, the November 2023 core […]
Marie Aquino
November 29, 2023

The November 2023 core update, this year’s 4th core update released last November 2, is finally finished rolling out. For this core update, it took almost 26 days to complete the rollout, way longer than the usual 2-week rollout period that previous updates have had.

Similar to the recent previous updates, the November 2023 core update has been widely felt and a lot of volatility has been experienced. Note that this update coincided with another update – the November 2023 Reviews update, which is still currently rolling out.

What To Do If You Have Been Affected By A Core Update

If you have experienced a drop in rank after a core update, Google suggests focusing on ensuring that you offer the best content that you can, as this is what the algorithm seeks to reward. Check out Google’s guidelines on how to create helpful, reliable, people-first content for guidance on what type of content Google rewards and for some questions to ask yourself in assessing the content that you have on your site.

A content audit would also be helpful. Look at your site and the pages that you have, which pages have been impacted and for what type of searches? Doing a content audit will help you understand why particular pages may have dropped, what pages have been rewarded, and if there may be other pages on your site that can perform better for particular searches.

With regards to how long it takes to recover from a core update, assuming improvements have been made, changes may not be felt until the next core update is released. However, Google does release different types of updates constantly, and some are not always announced. When these are released, they may cause content to recover if the improvements are warranted.

Keep in mind though that improvements aren’t a guarantee for recovery, nor do pages have any static or guaranteed position in search. If there is more deserving content, then that content will continue to rank well in their system.

Related: What To Do During A Google Search Algorithm Update?

Google has also published a Q&A on Google search updates to provide guidance on the recent updates that have been happening.

According to Google, they regularly update their search ranking systems to ensure they’re showing the most relevant, helpful content available. They use automated systems to rank search results and these are not perfect. They always look for ways to improve the systems to show better results, which is why updates occur regularly.

Google states that updates occur thousands of times per year. However, they do not always share these updates because many of them are relatively small and incremental changes. They do share the updates when they think they are notable updates to the system. A total of 10 updates were shared in 2021, another 10 in 2022, for this 2023, they expect about the same number.

As for the successive updates that have occured in the past months, they mention that they try to separate notable updates so that if they produce changes, it can be better identified which system is involved. However, given that they have so many updates overall, it is not always possible. They also added that when an update is evaluated and approved because it will make search better, they don’t want to hold that back.

 Here are all the updates that have been released so far this year:

That would be 9 updates so far this year. Following on the trend of updates the past years, we might be able to expect a link spam update coming this December, to complete the 10 this year. We’ll keep you posted 😉