Updates to Google Core & Product Reviews are Completely Rolled out

The product review update and September 2022 core update have officially finished rolling out, according to Google.
SIA Team
September 28, 2022

Google confirms that as of September 26, 2022, the company finished rolling out its most recent core algorithm update and product review update.

“Released the September 2022 product reviews update. This update applies to English-language product reviews. The rollout was complete as of September 26, 2022,” Google said through their blog post for search ranking updates.

It has been known that on September 12, Google’s core update first became available. A week later, on September 20, the revised product review went live.

On September 26, both updates finished rolling out, which is ideal if users want to quickly evaluate their effects.

Meanwhile, John Mueller, Google’s webmaster, said that the core update will target the whole site.

“With the core updates, we don’t focus so much on just individual issues, but rather the relevance of the website overall. And that can include things like the usability, and the ads on a page, but it’s essentially the website overall,” Mueller said.

Considering Mueller’s statement, alterations in the search positions of the vast majority of the pages on the user’s website show that they were impacted by the main update.