Learning how to connect Google Analytics to Search Console is pretty easy, if you’re willing to pay detailed attention to the steps involved.
Yesterday (December 10th, 2021), the Google Analytics Twitter channel had a tweet that links to a short video by Julius Fedorovicius of Analytics Mania.
That tweet links to this video:
Near the beginning of the video, Julius tells us of one of the benefits of connecting Search Console and GA4: “If you connect google search console with ge4 you will get some additional data in your reports that is related to Google’s organic traffic.”
That said, at the time of this writing, this feature is probably still being rolled out, so you may have to wait a few weeks if you don’t see the option called Search Console Linking.
Connecting Google Search Console and Google Analytics together is part of something called data blending, which I’ve mentioned in a number of my articles.
One such article is Google Data Studio: Google Tweets New Article on Blended Data Sources.
Another one is How to Track Website Visitors Using Google Analytics.
A third one is Google Tweets About Added Details Rich Results Reports in Search Console.
Connecting Google Analytics to Google Search Console is a great way to start combining data sources.